Andrew + Jennifer: Lovely, family-focused COVID Chicago Wedding

Andrew + Jennifer were one of the hundreds of Chicago-area couples who had to rethink their wedding due to the COVID-19 pandemic. It’s been quite the whirlwind for the industry (and the freaking world), but these two made the best of it. They moved their wedding to the bride’s childhood home on Dayton Street, and absolutely everyone pitched in the make this wedding a reality. There was wind and rain the morning of their September wedding, and first thing, neighbors were out sweeping the cleaning the street — the afternoon’s ceremony location. The bride’s neighbor made her wedding dress. We snaked power cables from another neighbor’s home, and others were on traffic duty (and the neighborhood cops rolled by to help locate the owner of a car parked on what would be the aisle…!) Our team was so lucky to have an incredibly hands on and knowledgeable MOB. Susie, you rule! She worked tirelessly to make sure vendors and guests alike were comfortable, especially amidst the pandemic. This was a really, really special wedding and it was an honor to be part of it.

All photos courtesy of Daniela Cardili Photography.


It was so moving to see the family get ready in their home. The bride was able to put on her gown in her childhood bedroom, and seriously, my heart could not stand it.

Proud big sis moment.

J + A did their first look on the street in front of her parent’s home. Much to their delight, family and neighbors watched from their homes (ha!)


The couple headed downtown with their sisters for a few photos — Chitown was really, really showing off after rain that morning.


As the final ceremony set-up was taking place, the couple and a few witnesses gathered in the backyard for a Ketubah signing ceremony, the Jewish marriage contract. It was so moving!

The family thought carefully about the ceremony set-up to ensure that all guests would feel comfortable attending. The chuppah, lovingly made by Sprout Home, was placed in the middle of Dayton Street, and chairs were set in family pods. Guests arrived and our staff guided guests to their pods where a small bag of goodies was waiting for them: mask, sanitizer, water and snacks! There really is something special about these intimate gatherings. Something like, despite it all, we know we want to be married, and we need these people here while we make this commitment.

This moment really stuck with me. The bride walked out of her childhood home, led by her father, to meet her mom at the bottom of the steps. They walked down the aisle together, as a family, towards her new husband.


Gah! And the neighbors watching! It was magical.

The bride and groom made a short speech after their ceremony and we handed out small bottles of champagne for them to pop together. Afterwards, the family made it to the transformed backyard, set by our team with family heirloom china and silver, and a some beautiful lighting. It was the perfect evening.

Although it wasn’t the wedding they planned, it sure was special. Congrats, J+A!

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