Alyssa + Joel: Chic, Stylish, Joyful Chicago Wedding

Man, 2020 was a doozy, but Alyssa + Joel’s marriage was a big freaking bright spot. They had already been engaged for over a year when the pandemic hit, and made the decision to move forward with their wedding, even if they had to change everything. They embody the perfect couple we love working for: a couple that’s in it for the marriage, not just an incredible party (even though their party was nothing short of spectacular). So, we charged on, pivoting at every turn to make sure the event was as comfortable and safe for their guests as possible (shoutout to their entire vendor crew for making DO!). Oh, and did I mention it was STUNNING?! We had perfect September weather in the Midwest, and these two have a stunning eye (and Company 251 is dreammyyyy). Take a peek below to see some of my favorite details. Congratulations to The Reinhertzes!

All photos courtesy of The Willows Photography.


The bride and her babes started the day at Hotel Arista in Naperville for some glam by the incredible Tamara Hair & Makeup Artistry team.

These ladies are FUN — music, confetti, and lots of champagne kept the energy high before Alyssa put on her gown.

Joel got dressed just down the hall from his bride, and they exchanged gifts and letters to read before the ceremony.

I am always a sucker for a first look, but holyyyy cow. This one was magic.

Alyssa’s brother officiated the ceremony and during their vows, there was not. a. dry. eye. Hunter Floyd Films livestreamed the ceremony to guests who couldn’t attend, and the joy just radiated from these two.

M A R R I E D !

Guests moved upstairs for a fabulous dinner by Moveable Feast. But honestly, people, the DECOR. The bride wanted a James Bond x Joanna Gaines style with lots of black accents and fluffy white and this was seriously IT. Vale of Enna killlled the floral, and By Precious Anne nailed the stationery. I’m still dreaming about the gorgeous wood floors and golden hour LIGHT at Company 251.

The couple stepped outside of the venue for a stroll during golden hour. I mean… LOVE.

The guests moved down for a little party time and man, it was fabulous.

Congratulations, to the new Mr. + Mrs. Reinhertz!

Vendor Love