Posts in wedding
Colleen + Greg: Intimate, Meaningful, Magical Chicago Wedding

Like most COVID couples, Colleen & Greg had to adjust their plans, but nothing was going to stop these two from tying the knot on their original date they set prior to COVID. They bobbed and weaved based on the ever-changing city restrictions, but in front of an intimate group of their family and friends on an unseasonably early May day, they exchanged vows at Holy Name Cathedral. After the ceremony, they moved to Ivy Room where Atmosphere Events Group transformed the outdoor space with lights and candles into an intimate, glowy feasting space to celebrate the wonderful couple. Champagne flowed, music played — Congratulations, Colleen + Greg!

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Kelli + Ryan: Long-awaited, Classic Chicago Wedding

Kelli + Ryan have irresistible smiles, senses of humor, and are just plain good-natured. They were flexible as we transitioned some design elements from their original early spring plan to late fall. But even better, they never wavered from the reason behind their wedding: to start their long-awaited life together. These two have known each other since high school, grew up down the street from each other, and their families are already family. Their wedding just piled onto the many memories of their shared life. Congratulations, Kelli + Ryan!

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Alyssa + Joel: Chic, Stylish, Joyful Chicago Wedding

Man, 2020 was a doozy, but Alyssa + Joel’s marriage was a big freaking bright spot. They had already been engaged for over a year when the pandemic hit, and made the decision to move forward with their wedding, even if they had to change everything. They embody the perfect couple we love working for: a couple that’s in it for the marriage, not just an incredible party (even though their party was nothing short of spectacular). So, we charged on, pivoting at every turn to make sure the event was as comfortable and safe for their guests as possible (shoutout to their entire vendor crew for making DO!). Oh, and did I mention it was STUNNING?! We had perfect September weather in the Midwest, and these two have a stunning eye (and Company 251 is dreammyyyy). Take a peek below to see some of my favorite details. Congratulations to The Reinhertzes!

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